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Curriculum Vitae

Review and download Craig Calhoun's current curriculum vitae.

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Professor Calhoun advises, teaches independent study courses, and offers classes in different ASU Schools with which he is affiliated. He was previously honored for his teaching at UNC, NYU, and Columbia. He has also supervised the PhDs of 50 students, including faculty members at ASU, Amsterdam, Berkeley, Brown, CEU, Columbia, LSE, New Mexico, Northwestern, Santa Cruz, Texas, UCLA, Washington and other universities.


Fall 2021
Course Number Course Title
HSD 598 Special Topics
with Robert Kirsch and Nicole K. Mayberry


Fall 2020
Course Number Course Title
SOS 592 Research
HSD 598 Special Topics
HPS 598 Special Topics


Spring 2020
Course Number Course Title
HON 394 The Green New Deal and the Future of Work in America
with Ben Fong