(with Edited by Craig Calhoun and Benjamin Y. Fong), Columbia University Press.
(with Eduardo Mendieta and Jonathan VanAntwerpen), (2013) Cambridge: Polity.
(with Mark Juergensmeyer and Jonathan VanAntwerpen), (2011) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(with Georgi Derlugian), (2011) New York: NYU Press.
(with Georgi Derlugian), (2011) New York: NYU Press.
(with Georgi Derlugian), (2011) New York: NYU Press.
(with Diana Rhoten), (2011) New York: Columbia University Press.
(2010) New York: Columbia University Press.
(with Michael Warner and Jonathan VanAntwerpen), (2010) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
(2007) University of Chicago Press.
Chapter 1 Sociology in America: An Introduction Craig Calhoun
Chapter 2 The American Spencerians: Theorizing a New Science Daniel Breslau
Chapter 3 Thrice told: Narratives of sociology's relation to social work Patricia Lengermann and Gillian Niebrugge
Chapter 4 A life in the first half-century of sociology: Charles Ellwood and the division of sociology Stephen Turner
Chapter 5 Knowledge from the field Marjorie DeVault
Chapter 6 Pragmatism, phenomenology, and twentieth-century American sociology Charles Camic
Chapter 7 On edge: Sociology during the Great Depression and the New Deal Charles Camic
Chapter 8 Hot war, cold war: The structures of sociological action, 1940-1955 Andrew Abbott and James T. Sparrow
Chapter 9 American sociology before and after World War II: The (temporary) settling of a disciplinary field George Steinmetz
Chapter 10 Orthodoxy, heterodoxy, hierarchy: "Mainstream" sociology and its challenges Craig Calhoun and Jonathan VanAntwerpen
Chapter 11 From relevance to irrelevance: The curious impact of the sixties on public sociology Doug McAdam
Chapter 12 The culture of sociology in disarray: The impact of 1968 on US sociologists Immanueal Wallerstein
Chapter 13 Assessing the feminist revolution: The presence and absence of gender in theory and practice Myra Marx Ferree, Shamus Rahman Khan, and Shauna A. Morimoto
Chapter 14 Feminist sociology in the twentieth-century United States: Life stories in historical context Barbara Laslett
Chapter 15 Sociology of race and W.E.B. DuBois: The path not taken Aldon T. Morris
Chapter 16 The dark side of the force: One hundred years of the sociology of race Howard Winant
Chapter 17 Pushing the boundaries of business as usual? Race, class and gender studies and sociological inquiry Patricia Hill Collins
Chapter 18 Criminology, criminologists, and the sociological enterprise James F. Short, Jr. with Lorine A. Hughes
Chapter 19 Betwixt and between discipline and profession: A history of the sociology of education Pamela Barnhouse Walters
Chapter 20 Internationalism and global transformations in American sociology Michael D. Kennedy and Miguel A. Centeno
Chapter 21 Defining disciplinary identity: The historiography of US Sociology Alan Sica
Appendix | Histories of American sociology: Readings and resources Jonathan VanAntwerpen and Alton Phillips