Blurry image of a glass reflection



American Journal of Sociology, vol. 104 #3, pp. 846-71.

Reprinted in Roger V. Gould, ed.: The Rational Choice Controversy in Historical Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.


Berkeley Journal of Sociology, vol. 42, pp. 1-30.


Sociological Inquiry, vol. 68 #3, pp. 373-397.

Italian translation in Mario de Benedittis, ed.: Comunita in rete. Milano: FrancoAngeli s.r.l., 2002


Calhoun Craig (1994): “National Traditions: Created or Primordial?” s. 9 - 30 in Øy- stein Sørensen (red.): Nasjonal identitet - et kunstprodukt?. Oslo: Norges forskningsråd. KULTs skriftserie nr. 30/NASJONAL IDENTITET nr. 5.


Public Culture, Vol. 5 #2: 267-280.

Note: Chinese translation in Stephen C.K. Chen, ed.: Identity and Public Culture: Critical Essays in Cultural Studies. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1997, pages 47-64.


Social Science History, vol. 17 #3: 385-427.

Note: Reprinted in M. Traugott, ed.: Repertoires and Cycles: Studies in the Transformation of Social Protest. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995.

Reprinted in K. Nash, ed.: Democracy, Culture, and Power: Readings in Contemporary Political Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.

Norwegian translation in Sosiologi I Dag, Vol. 24(4), 1994, pages 23-45.


International Sociol­ogy, vol. 8 #4, pp. 387-411.

Note: Reprinted in J.H. Moore, ed.: Legacies of the Collapse of Communism. Arlington, VA: George Mason University Press, 1994.

Reprinted in C. Calhoun, ed.: Social Theory and the Politics of Identity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1994.
Chinese translation in Zhang, Xiaojin, et al., eds.: Civil Society: A Research Framework for State/Society Relations. Beijing, 1995.

Reprinted in J. Szacki, ed.: The Idea of Civil Society. Warsaw: Znak, 1995.

Reprinted in W. Outhwaite and L. Martell, eds.: The Sociology of Politics. Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elgar, 1996.


Annual Review of Sociology Vol. 19: 211-39

Note: Reprinted in J. Huthinson and A. Smith, eds.: Nationalism: Critical Concepts. London: Routledge, 2001.

Hungarian translation pp. 346-375 in Zoltan Kantor, ed.: Nacionalizmuselméletek (Theories of Nationalism), Budapest: Rejtjel Kiado, 2004.

Chinese translation in Xuewei Zhai and Huibin Gan, eds., Globalization and National Identity. Nanjing.


Theory, Culture and Society, vol. 10 #1, pp. 75-96.  

Previous version appeared as Working Paper #40 of the Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago.

Reprinted (revised) in P. Sztompka, ed.:  Agency and Structure:  Reorienting Social Theory.  Yverdon, Switzerland:  Gordon and Breach, 1994, pp. 167-96.