Blurry image of a glass reflection



Public Culture, vol. 18 #2, pp. 257-63.

Russian translation pp. 280-283 in V. Ionesov, Transformations: Risk, Crisis, Adaptation. Samara: Russian Academy of Social Sciences, 2009.


Thesis Eleven, 84, pp. 7-43.

Russian translation, Prognosis No 3(7) 2006: 283-320.


in The Holberg Prize Symposium for 2005: Jürgen Habermas, Religion, and the Public Sphere  (Bergen: The Holberg Prize).


(Response to Burawoy)

Calhoun C. (2005). The promise of public sociology. The British journal of sociology56(3), 355–432.

Hungarian translation in Replika #54, October 2006, pp.83-90.

French translation in Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 2008